Monday 25 April 2016

Auroras Peak - Shoot 1 - Crooksbury Common

Crooksbury Common – Day 1

So, for the first day, our location was Crooksbury Common. For this shoot, we all met at Klaras house at 9:00am sharp. Here we all sorted out the equipment we were going to use and prepped to load up the car. We had a pretty tight schedule as far as shots we needed to get and we only had the glide cam available to us for a couple of days, so the fact that the weather wasn’t great was… not so great.
To start with, half our group (including myself) was driven to Crooksbury Common and we set up base there.
We had to do two trips as Lawrence was driving us there and back. Klara, Andre, Karina and myself arrived first and set up base by the woods. Unfortunately, living in England we of course weren’t lucky with the weather and the heavens opened up. I managed to make a makeshift tent to keep the equipment and us mostly dry which kept our spirits up as we waited for the others.

Once we all arrived, we headed to our first location, which was on top of the hill, right in the center of Crooksbury Common. Klara and myself worked closely together, setting up the shots we needed and took turns on capturing the shots needed. We began filming but quickly things started to not run as smoothly. Because the weather conditions were so extreme, we had to take many precautions keeping ourselves dry but most importantly the equipment, which started to fail. We were completely frozen and soaked by the end of the shoot, which was really tough for us all.
This also meant we had to make a judgment call to skip some of the shots because the weather was just too extreme. We mutually decided that we could make this up with other shots from different scene and montage them together to keep the storyline going.

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